
褲帶面 比褲帶寬那么一點 繞著男人的腰 纏上幾圈 鄉下人的實誠 都盛在碗里 一幫人光著脊背 蹲在墻根 一根面 從古嚼到今 Belt Noodles Broader a little bit than the belt Which wraps a few loops Around the men's waists Countrymen's honesty is Shown in bowls of belt noodles A group of them, their backs exposed Squatted by the wall Munching on one noodle From ancient time until now 叫 春 風像一只貓 藏起身體 一聲接一聲叫著 雨拉緊夜晚的簾布 種子與土地 解開凍結的紐扣 在燈光照不到的暗處 偷情 Mating Calls Like a cat, the wind Hides its body One call after another When rain draws the night's curtain tight Seeds and earth Unfasten their frozen buttons In the darkness where lights cannot reach Stealing a rendezvous 興善寺 過年的燈籠 還在天橋上掛著 我從街道熱鬧的氛圍里擠出來 繞著興善寺 一圈一圈閑轉著 讓經聲按摩著全身的穴位 讓僵硬的身體在香火的熏烤下 向路過的佛 低頭彎腰 The Kindness Temple When New Year's lanterns Are still hanging on the overpass I elbow my way out of the jovial streets And dawdle around the Kindness Temple One circle after another To have the chanting massage The acupoints all over my body My rigid body steeped in the temple incense To buddhas passing by I lower my head and bend my back 桃 花 春風吹著嗩吶 三月明媒正娶 桃花是剛過門的新媳婦 一件紅色的羊毛衫 點燃了半條街 The Peach Blossom The spring wind is blowing Suona trumpet March solemnly gets married Peach blossom is the new bride A red wool sweater Ignites half of the street 初 春 春風剛一露面 迎春便跟著起哄 桃花前呼后擁 帶著一大幫兄弟 湊熱鬧 燕子躲在屋檐下 一聲不吭 Early Spring When the spring wind appears Winter jasmines follow suit In a big crowd, peach blossoms Come with a large knot of brothers and sisters To join in the fun While a swallow, hiding under the eave Keeps silence 夜來香 在陽光照不到的暗處 一瓣一瓣地 打開隱私 割不斷的一縷清香 糾纏著 睡不醒的夢 一夜廝守 只是逢場作戲 An Evening Primrose In the darkness where the sun cannot reach One petal after another An Evening primrose unfolds its privacy A wisp of incessant fragrance Interwinds An endless dream A night's intimacy is Just feigned love for each other 三 八 最先想到 這只不過一個節 再一想 便想成了一條線 后來就想到了一桿槍 我隨手撕下 一頁日歷 捏成一顆子彈 Three Eight * At first I think of it Merely as a holiday On second thought As a line Later, a rifle I tear a page off the calendar And knead it into a bullet 空也靜:原名魏彥烈,青海省作協會員。出版詩集《格桑花開》、《草原情歌》、《仰望昆侖》、《風舞經幡》、漢英雙語《輪回》等多部。獲昆侖文藝獎,唐蕃古道文學獎,詩歌春晚“全國十佳詩人”稱號。詩觀:快樂生活,安靜寫詩。 楊秀波 (Ellen Yang) 上海外國語大學碩士畢業。曾在《譯林》《譯文》《外國文藝》《書城》《四川戲劇》等期刊上發表多篇翻譯文章及論文,參與過國家社科后期資助項目《美國文學大辭典》的詞條編寫工作。翻譯過暢銷書《魔術》。人物專著《讀哈姆萊特》被英國不列顛圖書館與美國國會圖書館收藏并獲頒證書。 >>>更多美文:自創詩

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